prof. UAM dr hab. Jarosław Jańczak
prof. UAM dr hab. Jarosław Jańczak


  1. Jean Monnet Network on EU foreign policy “ValEUs – Research & Education Network on Contestations to EU Foreign Policy” 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2027, (key staff member), project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme 101127800-ValEUs-ERASMUS-JMO-2023-NETWORKS, carried our by the consortium of 21 universities from 17 states,
  2. Ukrainian refugees in Central Europe and the Balkans – lessons learned and policy recommendations, 01.06.2023–31.05.2024, (key staff member), research project funded by the Visegrad Fund, carried our by the consortium of 10 European universities from 7 states,
  3. EPICUR-SHAPE-IT European University, 01.11.2022-31.10.2026 (work package university coordinator) project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, carried out by the international consortium of nine European universities,
  4. Jean Monnet Network on EU foreign policy “RENPET – Reconceptualising European Power in an Era of Turmoil: Contestation, Relevance and Sustainability”, 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2025, (key staff member),  project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme 620087-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPJMO-NETWORK, carried our by the consortium of 11 European universities,
  5. CEEPUS “Border and Regional Studies Network”, 1.10.2022-30.09.2024 (university coordinator), project founded by the Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies, PL-1604-02-2223 and PL-1604-03-2324, carried out by the consortium of 18 universities from 11 Central and Eastern European states,
  6. Linking Borderlands: Dynamics of Cross-Border Peripheries, 01.04.2021-31.03.2024 (research fellow) project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, carried out by the consortium of four German universities, coordinated by Saarland University,
  7. KA2 Higher Education – Strategic Partnerships for higher education “Developing a new curriculum in Global Migration, Diaspora and Border Studies in East-Central Europe (GLocalEAst)”, 01.09.2020 -31.08.2023 (key staff member) project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, Project No. 2020-1-SK01-KA203-078263, carried out by the international consortium of six universities, coordinated by Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia with Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita Di Bologna, Italy being the Associate Coordinator and led by dr. Aneta Világi
  8. Jean Monnet Center of Excellence „EU EX/ACT  – EU External Actions in the Contested Global Order – (In)coherence, (Dis)continuity, Resilience”, 1.10.2018-31.08.2022, (key staff member),  project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, Project No. 599622-EPP-1-2018-1-PL-EPPJMO-CoE, carried our at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland and led by Prof. Tadeusz Wallas
  9. Polen und Deutschland in der Europäischen Union – Neue Formen und Modelle der Beziehungen in der Außenpolitik und der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit / Polska i Niemcy w Unii Europejskiej – nowe formy i modele stosunków bilateralnych w polityce zagranicznej i współpracy transgranicznej,  2018-2019 (project contractor), project funded by a grant fromDeutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung and carried out by Uniwersytet Wrocławski– Hertie School of Governance Berlin –  Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), led by prof. Elżbieta Opiłowska and dr Monika Sus
  10. KA2 Higher Education – International Capacity Building “Rethinking Regional Studies: The Baltic-Black Sea Connection (BBSR)”, 15.10.2017 – 14.10.2020, (administrative coordinator at the Adam Mickiewicz University) project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, Project No. 2017 – 2883 / 001-001, carried out by the international consortium of eight EU and Ukrainian universities, coordinated by Tartu University, Estonia and led by Prof. Andrey Makarychev
  11. Jean Monnet Chair „ EU DYNAMICUS – European Union – Economic Development, Young Europeans and Innovations in Crisis Overcoming and Union’s Sustainability”, 1.10.2016-30.09.2019, (team member),  project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, 575055-EPP-1-2016-1-PL-EPPJMO-CHAIR, carried out at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland and led by Prof. Maciej Walkowski
  12. Immigration Crises, Borders and the European Union, 01.2016-31.05.2017  (project coordinator), a project funded by Collegium Polonicum from the resources of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder, 8 participants representing five universities in four countries.
  13. Rada Europejska w procesie kształtowania kompetencji formalnych i nieformalnych w zakresie działań zewnętrznych UE, 1.07.2016-30.06.2019, (project contractor), a project funded by a grant from the National Science Centre, OPUS facility and carried out at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, led by dr. hab. Beaty Przybylskiej-Maszner
  14. Cooperación transfronteriza en Europa, una geopolítica de escala local. Análisis en cinco países europeos de buenas prácticas para la integración y el desarrollo local, 01.01.2016-31.12.2019, [Transborder cooperation in Europa, a local sclale geopolitcs. Analisys in five European countries of good practices for the integration and local development](project contractor), a project funded by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness no. CSO2015-67124-R and carried out by the University of Girona, Spain, led by Prof. Margarita Castaner Vivas
  15. „Wissen ist Macht“: Grenzen der politischen Beratung und des Lobbyismus im politischen Entscheidungsprozess, 01.10.2016-30.09.2018, [„Knowledge is Power“: Boundaries of Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Proces] (project contractor) a project funded by the Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung (DPWS) under the direction of Prof. Michael Minkenberg.
  16. Analiza polskiej polityki europejskiej w latach 2004 – 2014. Założenia, aktorzy, wyzwania i oceny, 7.01.2015-31.10.2017, [Polish European Policy Analysis 2004-2014. Assumptions, Challenges and Evaluations] (project contractor) a project funded by a grant from the National Science Centre, OPUS facility and carried out by the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiwicz University, Poznań, Poland, led by Zbiegniew Czachór.
  17. „Wissen ist Macht“: Grenzen der politischen Beratung und des Lobbyismus im politischen Entscheidungsprozess, 01.2015-31.12.2015, [„Knowledge is Power“: Boundaries of Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Proces] (project contractor) a project funded by the Viadrina Center B/orders in Motion under the direction of Prof. Michael Minkenberg,
  18. KA2 Higher Education – Strategic Partnerships “Entwicklung innovativer, transnationaler Lehrinhalte und didaktischer Methoden unter Einbeziehung von blended und peer learning ”, 01.09.2014 – 31.08.2017, (academic coordinator at the Adam Mickiewicz University) project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, Project No. 2014-1-DE01-KA203-000711, carried out by the international consortium of five EU universities, coordinated by Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, Germany and led by Prof. Heinrich Bücker-Gärtner and Prof. Dörte Busch
  19. Boundaries Revisited. Conceptual Turn in European Border Practices, 01.2014-28.02.2015 (project coordinator together with Dr. Tomasz Brańka), a project funded by Collegium Polonicum from the resources of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder, 17 participants representing nine universities in eight countries.
  20. Entgrenzung von Grenzregionen. EVTZ als Instrument der territorialen Kooperation von Kommunen in Europa, 2013-2015 [Dissolution of border regions. EGTC as an instrument of territorial cooperation of municipalities in Europe] (internal project partner), a project funded by the Viadrina Center for B/order in Motion of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder, led by Dr. Marcin Krzymuski.
  21. Śląsk w Europie – dziesięć lat członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej, 2013 – 2014 [Silesia in Europe – ten years of European Union membership] (project contractor), a project funded by the Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme Czech Republic – Republic of Poland 2007-2013, decision of the Steering Committee of Euro-Silesia Euroregion PL.3.22 / 03.03.04 /13.03860, implemented by Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Raciborzu, under the leadership of Dr. Rafał Riedel.
  22. Phantomgrenzen in Ostmittel Europa, 2012-2015 [Phantom borders in Central and Eastern Europe] (project contractor), a project funded by the German Bundesministerium für Bilding und Forschung, carried out by the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, German-French Research Centre for Social Sciences and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Department of History / Chair for Southern European History, Berlin, Germany, under the direction of Dr. Béatrice von Hirschhausen,
  23. European Exclaves in the Process of De-bordering and Re-bordering, 02.2012-28.02.2013 (project coordinator/leader, together with Prof. Przemysław Osiewicz), a project funded by Collegium Polonicum from the resources of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder, ten participants representing seven universities from six countries.
  24. BRAINS Bulgarian-Romanian Area Identities: Neighborhood Study, 07.2011-11.01.2013 (project contractor), a project funded by the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013, implemented by Angel Kanchev University, Ruse, Bulgaria, and the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, under the guidance of Prof. Mimi Kornazheva,
  25. De-bordering, Re-bordering and symbols on the European Boundaries,01.2011-31.12.2011 (project coordinator/leader), a project funded by Collegium Polonicum from the resources of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder, (ten participants from seven universities in six countries).
  26. Conflict and Cooperation in Divided Cities, 01.2009-31.12.2009 (project coordinator/leader), a project funded by Collegium Polonicum from the resources of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder (19 participants representing nine universities from seven countries).
  27. Regionalna scena polityczna – wzorce rywalizacji w kontekście wyborów samorządowych 2010, 2011-2012 [Regional political scene – patterns of competition in the context of local elections in 2010], (project contractor), a project funded by a grant from the National Science Centre N N116 491740 and carried out by the Institute of Political Science, University of Wrocław, led by Dr. hab. Robert Paweł Alberski,
  28. The Arab Spring06.2011-28.02.2012 (project contractor), a project funded by the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and carried out under the direction of Dr. Beata Przybylska,
  29. Priorytety prezydencji na przykładzie przygotowań Polski do przewodnictwa w Radzie Unii Europejskiej. Analiza politologiczna11.2010-31.10.2011 [Priorities of the presidency on the example of Polish preparations for the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Politological analysis] (project contractor), a project funded by a grant from the National Science Centre N N116 329139 and implemented by the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, under the guidance of Prof. dr. hab. Zbigniew Czachór
  30. Operacje Unii Europejskiej w obszarze Wspólnej Polityki Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony w latach 2003-2009, 07.2009-31.12.2010 [Operations of the European Union in the field of the Common Security and Defense Policy in 2003-2009], (project contractor), a project funded by the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and carried out under the direction of Dr. Beata Przybylska-Maszner.
  31. Das Verhältnis zwischen Deutschen und Polen. Grundlagen und Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit vor dem Hintergrund der europäischen Integration, 03.2005-09.2006 [The relationship between Germans and Poles. Fundamentals and prospects of cooperation in the context of European integration] (project contractor), a project funded by the Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege zu Berlin, developed by a consortium Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege zu Berlin and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and carried out under the supervision of Prof. Erwin Seyfried.